Name: Joanne P Smith
Nickname: Jody, Jo
Birthday: 7/23/1931
Age: 76
Birthstone: Ruby
Zodiac Sign: Cusp of Cancer and Leo
Favorite Color: Dark Green
Favorite Song: Anything by the Statler Brothers
"Have You Forgotten"
Favorite Game: Trivial Pursuit
Favorite TV Show: "Law & Order SVU"
Favorite Movie: "Mr. Roberts"
Favorite Website: AARP Games
Hobbies: Puzzles, Word Games, Plastic Canvas, Reading
Interests: Country Music, Playing Card Games & Jigsaw Puzzles online
Fantasy Vacation Place: Travel around the US & Canada and go to Australia
What Do You Want People To Know About You? I march to a different drummer; I have never
been a joiner - I have always been my own person
Name: Victoria E Smith
Nickname: Vicki, Tori, Toria, Vicki_the_Cat
Birthday: 1/29/68
Age: 39
Birthstone: Garnet
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Favorite Color: Purple
Favorite Song: "Change the World" by J-Pop band V-6
Favorite Game: InuYasha TCG
Favorite TV Show: "Inuyasha"
Favorite Movie: "Cat On A Hot Tin Roof" & "Gone With The Wind"
Favorite Website: EarTweak
Hobbies: Collecting Inuyasha (noticing a pattern here?), Collecting Dolls,
Learning Japanese
Interests: Medicine, Mental Health Advocacy, Child Advocate, Ancient History Myths &
Legends (Roman Mythology, Norse Mythology, Greek Mythology, Japanese Mythology), Ancient Celtic Magick, Ghost Hunting, Studying
World Religions
Fantasy Vacation Place: Australia & New Zealand
What Do You Want People To Know About You: I am a survivor. I am a complicated,
multifaceted personality that you will never fully know - no matter how long you know me. I am not one who follows blindly
- I refuse to let my ideals be compromised.
Barry |
Barry at the computer - where else would he be??? |
Name: Barry C Smith
Nickname: None
Birthday: 10/05/1988
Age: 19
Birthstone: Opal
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Favorite Color: Green
Favorite Song: "God Bless The USA" by Lee Greenwood
Favorite Game: Dueling Yu-Gi-Oh
Favorite TV Show: Naruto & Yu-Gi-Oh
Favorite Movie: Any of the Harry Potters
Favorite Website: YuGiOhfans.co.uk
Hobbies: Playing with friends,Trading Yu-Gi-Oh cards, riding roller coasters
Interests: Anime, Video Games, Astronomy
Fantasy Vacation Place: Egypt & Greece
What Do You Want People To Know About You?: I stutter, I have Erb's Palsy in my left
arm and CANNOT straighten my arm all the way, and I have Asperger's Syndrome. If any of this bothers you - fine - GO
AWAY! I am who I am - I'm a fun loving guy!
Name: Devon M Smith
Nickname: None
Birthday: 4/26/1990
Age: 17
Birthstone: Diamond
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Favorite Color: Red
Favorite Song: None
Favorite Game: Runescape
Favorite TV Show: Naruto & Yu-Gi-Oh
Favorite Movie: All the Harry Potter movies
Favorite Website: Gamefaqs.com
Hobbies: Drawing, Creating video games, Playing with Friends
Interests: Video Game Design
Fantasy Vacation Place: Japan
What Do You Want People To Know About You?: I have Tourette's & Asperger's Syndrome.
I get along well with people but I have a nasty temper.
Name: Anastasia V Smith
Nickname: Stasi
Birthday: 9/3/93
Age: 14
Birthstone: Sapphire
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Favorite Color: Black
Favorite Song: "Brand New World" by J-Pop band V-6
Favorite Game: "Jak 2"
Favorite TV Show: "InuYasha"
Favorite Movie: "Lion King 2"
Favorite Website: Fanfiction.net
Hobbies: Drawing, Swimming
Interests: Art, Guitar, Anime, Sesshoumaru!! (Fluffy!!!) and Jak
Fantasy Vacation Place: Japan
What Do You Want People To Know About You?: I'm different - I march to my own drummer.
And I love animals.